/* * backgroundSize: A jQuery cssHook adding support for "cover" and "contain" to IE6,7,8 * * Requirements: * - jQuery 1.7.0+ * * Limitations: * - doesn't work with multiple backgrounds (use the :after trick) * - doesn't work with the "4 values syntax" of background-position * - doesn't work with lengths in background-position (only percentages and keywords) * - doesn't work with "background-repeat: repeat;" * - doesn't work with non-default values of background-clip/origin/attachment/scroll * - you should still test your website in IE! * * latest version and complete README available on Github: * https://github.com/louisremi/jquery.backgroundSize.js * * Copyright 2012 @louis_remi * Licensed under the MIT license. * * This saved you an hour of work? * Send me music http://www.amazon.co.uk/wishlist/HNTU0468LQON * */ (function ($, window, document, Math, undefined) { var div = $("
")[0], rsrc = /url\(["']?(.*?)["']?\)/, watched = [], positions = { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 1, right: 1, center: .5 }; // feature detection if ("backgroundSize" in div.style && !$.debugBGS) { return; } $.cssHooks.backgroundSize = { set: function (elem, value) { var firstTime = !$.data(elem, "bgsImg"), pos, $wrapper, $img; $.data(elem, "bgsValue", value); if (firstTime) { // add this element to the 'watched' list so that it's updated on resize watched.push(elem); $.refreshBackgroundDimensions(elem, true); // create wrapper and img $wrapper = $("
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$.refreshBackgroundImage(elem, value) : // otherwise set the background-image normally value; } }; $.refreshBackgroundDimensions = function (elem, noBgRefresh) { var $elem = $(elem), currDim = { width: $elem.innerWidth(), height: $elem.innerHeight() }, prevDim = $.data(elem, "bgsDim"), changed = !prevDim || currDim.width != prevDim.width || currDim.height != prevDim.height; $.data(elem, "bgsDim", currDim); if (changed && !noBgRefresh) { $.refreshBackground(elem); } }; $.refreshBackgroundImage = function (elem, value) { var img = $.data(elem, "bgsImg"), currSrc = (rsrc.exec(value || $.css(elem, "backgroundImage")) || [])[1], prevSrc = img && img.src, changed = currSrc != prevSrc, imgWidth, imgHeight; if (changed) { img.style.height = img.style.width = "auto"; img.onload = function () { var dim = { width: img.width, height: img.height }; // ignore onload on the proxy image if (dim.width == 1 && dim.height == 1) { return; } $.data(elem, "bgsImgDim", dim); $.data(elem, "bgsConstrain", false); $.refreshBackground(elem); img.style.visibility = "visible"; img.onload = null; }; img.style.visibility = "hidden"; img.src = currSrc; if (img.readyState || img.complete) { img.src = ""; img.src = currSrc; } elem.style.backgroundImage = "none"; } }; $.refreshBackground = function (elem) { var value = $.data(elem, "bgsValue"), elemDim = $.data(elem, "bgsDim"), imgDim = $.data(elem, "bgsImgDim"), $img = $($.data(elem, "bgsImg")), pos = $.data(elem, "bgsPos"), prevConstrain = $.data(elem, "bgsConstrain"), currConstrain, elemRatio = elemDim.width / elemDim.height, imgRatio = imgDim.width / imgDim.height, delta; if (value == "contain") { if (imgRatio > elemRatio) { $.data(elem, "bgsConstrain", (currConstrain = "width")); delta = Math.floor((elemDim.height - elemDim.width / imgRatio) * pos[1]); $img.css({ top: delta }); // when switchin from height to with constraint, // make sure to release contraint on height and reset left if (currConstrain != prevConstrain) { $img.css({ width: "100%", height: "auto", left: 0 }); } } else { $.data(elem, "bgsConstrain", (currConstrain = "height")); delta = Math.floor((elemDim.width - elemDim.height * imgRatio) * pos[0]); $img.css({ left: delta }); if (currConstrain != prevConstrain) { $img.css({ height: "100%", width: "auto", top: 0 }); } } } else if (value == "cover") { if (imgRatio > elemRatio) { $.data(elem, "bgsConstrain", (currConstrain = "height")); delta = Math.floor((elemDim.height * imgRatio - elemDim.width) * pos[0]); $img.css({ left: -delta }); if (currConstrain != prevConstrain) { $img.css({ height: "100%", width: "auto", top: 0 }); } } else { $.data(elem, "bgsConstrain", (currConstrain = "width")); delta = Math.floor((elemDim.width / imgRatio - elemDim.height) * pos[1]); $img.css({ top: -delta }); if (currConstrain != prevConstrain) { $img.css({ width: "100%", height: "auto", left: 0 }); } } } } // Built-in throttledresize var $event = $.event, $special, dummy = { _: 0 }, frame = 0, wasResized, animRunning; $special = $event.special.throttledresize = { setup: function () { $(this).on("resize", $special.handler); }, teardown: function () { $(this).off("resize", $special.handler); }, handler: function (event, execAsap) { // Save the context var context = this, args = arguments; wasResized = true; if (!animRunning) { $(dummy).animate(dummy, { duration: Infinity, step: function () { frame++; if (frame > $special.threshold && wasResized || execAsap) { // set correct event type event.type = "throttledresize"; $event.dispatch.apply(context, args); wasResized = false; frame = 0; } if (frame > 9) { $(dummy).stop(); animRunning = false; frame = 0; } } }); animRunning = true; } }, threshold: 1 }; // All backgrounds should refresh automatically when the window is resized $(window).on("throttledresize", function () { $(watched).each(function () { $.refreshBackgroundDimensions(this); }); }); })($, window, document, Math); $.fn.zInput = function () { var $inputs = this.find(":radio,:checkbox"); $inputs.hide(); var inputNames = []; $inputs.map(function () { inputNames.push($(this).attr('name')); }); inputNames = $.unique(inputNames); $.each(inputNames, function (index, value) { var $element = $("input[name='" + value + "']"); var elementType = $element.attr("type"); $element.wrapAll('
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' + place.name + '
' + address); //infowindow.open(map, marker); }); $("#iyaform").submit(function () { //$('#iya-ani').css({ "display": "block" }); if ($(".pac-container").is(":visible")) return selectFirstResult(); return true; }); function selectFirstResult() { //infowindow.close(); $(".pac-container").hide(); var firstResult = $(".pac-container .pac-item:first .pac-item-query").text(); //alert(" 1) [" + firstResult + "]"); $("#st").val(firstResult); setTimeout(function() { geocoder.geocode({ 'address': firstResult }, function (results, callback) { if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { OnGeocodeSelected(geocode,false); callback({ Status: "OK", Latitude: lat, Longitude: lng }); } else { //alert('Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ' + status); return false; } return true; }); }, 2000); } } function OnGeocodeSelected(geocode, setSearchTerm) { currentSelectedGeocode = geocode; setSearchLatLng(geocode.geometry.location.lat(), geocode.geometry.location.lng()); //fix for api not restricting properly //locality //postal_town //administrative_area_level_2 //postal_code_prefix //postal_code city = null; city = GetPropertyFromGeocode(geocode, "locality"); if (!city) { city = GetPropertyFromGeocode(geocode, "postal_town"); if (!city) { city = GetPropertyFromGeocode(geocode, "administrative_area_level_2"); } } ludacrisAreaCodes = null; ludacrisAreaCodes = GetPropertyFromGeocode(geocode, "postal_code_prefix"); if(!ludacrisAreaCodes) { ludacrisAreaCodes = GetPropertyFromGeocode(geocode, "postal_code"); } if (setSearchTerm) { var searchTerm = (city) ? city : ludacrisAreaCodes; $("#st").val(searchTerm); } } (function ($) { $.fn.extend({ thefaModal: function (options) { var defaults = { top: 100, overlay: 0.5, closeButton: null, modal_id: '#thefa-popover' }; var overlay = $("
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Remove .zSelected from all .zRadio $radioBtns.closest('.zInputWrapper').children().removeClass("zSelected"); $radioBtns.closest('.zInputWrapper').children().removeClass("zUnselected"); //move up the DOM to the .zRadioWrapper and then select children. Remove .zSelected from all .zRadio $radioBtns.closest('.zInputWrapper').children().addClass("zUnselected"); $radioBtns.closest('.zInput').removeClass("zUnselected"); $radioBtns.closest('.zInput').addClass("zSelected"); } $('#iyaform').submit(function (event) { //$('#iya-ani').css({ "display": "block" }); //get a geocode from what the user has typed //geocoder.geocode({ 'latLng': latlng }, function (results, status) { //}); //var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input); if(!currentSelectedGeocode) { //todo //$('#st').trigger('geocode'); //while(!currentSelectedGeocode) //{ // //wait until the ajax service returns to procede //} } var searchTerm = (city) ? city: ludacrisAreaCodes; $('#sd').val(searchTerm); //replace spaces with - var re = new RegExp(' ', 'g'); city = city.replace(re, '-'); var searchString = ludacrisAreaCodes + (ludacrisAreaCodes ? '-' : '') + city; //searchString = searchString ?? "resultse"; $(this).get(0).setAttribute('action', '/play-football/' + searchString); }); //ios font fixes /* if (/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { $('select, input, .iya h2, h3, .iya .container-12 .column-4 .button, .iya-detail-header, .iya-detail, .session-details ul li, .session-popunder h5').css({ 'font-size': '4em' }); $('.iya-detail-header').css({ 'line-height': '1.5em' }); $('.iya .container-12 .column-4 .button').css({ 'left': '45%' }); $('.iya-clubs-txt').css({ 'font-size': '100%' }); $('.adaptive-wrapper .adaptive-stage .adaptive-footer').css({ 'zoom': '1' }); // //alert('ios7'); } */ //var o = oResults.responseText; //var oData = $("
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Contact Form:

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